Max's: Chicken Till You Burst
Yes, its back. Max's Chicken All You Can. My wife and I tried this before (We ordered one, and I took some of her chicken while the waiter was looking the other way - Sulit!) Between us, we were only able to eat 3 pieces because of the oiliness.
Just a few reminders:
3 pieces of fried chicken = 1,150 calories, 60g of Fat
2 glasses Pepsi - 300 calories per glass, lots of sugar
2 cups Rice - 400 calories
If you're a big eater with a fast metabolism, Php 199 is really worth it, especially if you eat 10 pieces of chicken. It's only available from 6-10 pm so better makes sure you don't eat much during the day. Remove the skin because that's going to give you a heart attack.
Sometimes, we go to an all you can eat thing, we tend to eat more than what we can endure. Instead of enjoying it, we end up going home with a heartburn and reaching for the Alka Seltzer. I wouldn't try Max's Chicken All You Can again.
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