Johnny English Reborn: Mr. Bean....Bond.

We watched Johnny English Reborn today with nothing really but a positive recommendation. I haven't seen the first Johnny English movie, so I didn't have any expectations. My thoughts:

I haven't been to a movie in a long time where in the audience clapped with delight during the ending credits - so I guess most of the the people with us really enjoyed the movie.

It was surprisingly funny and enjoyable, without trying too hard. Audience was literally laughing almost every 30 seconds.

Rowan Atkinson was not as corny this time, and was very effective as an comedy action star. Still difficult to block the Mr. Bean image in my mind, though. You will notice a lot of Mr. Bean mannerisms.

Easy, light and fun movie, without having to think too much.  Clever gags.

The Jollibee Champ burger I brought into the movie house was awesome.

Watch it, it's for the whole family. :) You won't regret watching it. Will we watch it again? Yup, but only if it's for free. But I will definitely eat the Jollibee Champ again soon.


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