The Life Apocalypse

[around midnight. a few thoughts before shut down.]

You get to this certain point in your life when you realize that there are only a few essential things which makes you feel "uncomplicated" and "blissful" - and in parallel, there are things you need to eliminate in order to get to that positive state of mind the fastest way possible. 

And I am, undoubtedly, at this stage. 

It's not an easy task - in fact, it's rather apocalyptic.  From a launchpad of an old system of things - and propel myself to a new one. Long years of society-prescribed ambition, worldly desires, and peer expectations have turned me into what I am today. It is, in reality, just human, to want to accumulate wealth and recognition. But we can't bring these to our graves. In the ideal world, we have to spend as much time doing what we love, also spend this time with loved ones, and spend more time doing God's work. Storing spiritual treasures than riches. 

The desire to simplify my life and remove all the metaphoric clutter seems to be stronger for me now. Maybe it comes with age - or perhaps some divine intervention. It makes perfect sense, and the benefits seem to be much greater. More time enjoyed with the family, more time getting in touch with my spirituality, and removing stress that affects my total well-being, both physically and mentally.

Now there are only two major decisions to make: Identify the essentials, and eliminate the non-essentials. Then of course, hold on to the essentials as best as I can, without going back into the habit of the non-essentials. Time is really of the essence, the universe's greatest commodity. You can't bring it back. So I have to commit precious time only to things that have the greatest value in my life. Remove all negative, weighty thoughts, and just pray incessantly when I need encouragement.  Defocus from possessions. Reduce the number of worldly goals I have to the essential minimum, and increase spiritual goals to the maximum. It doesn't mean God doesn't want us to be financially blessed. It's good to be financially free.  But the more you want, the more you will need. The more you need, the more you will be in the vicious cycle of it all.  Balance is the key.

[sounds like I was giving myself advice]

Besides the loving support of my wife and family, there's absolutely one thing that will make this transition easy, and it's focusing on God's Word.

I find that being in God's presence through prayer and study makes simplifying my life a whole lot easier. Why do we need to get weighed down and discouraged by the anxieties of life, when He promised us that if we just keep seeking the Kingdom of God, all of the things will be added unto us?

So hence, my real life really begins.

(Luke 21:34-35) . . .“But pay attention to yourselves that YOUR hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon YOU 35 as a snare. . . .

Keep your eye simple. (Matthew 6:22, 23)


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