The Nation a Virtual Campus: Socializing Education

I am a believer and an advocate of distance education. I believe that technology will go to waste if it was not applied for the betterment of teaching and learning. I was pleasantly surprised one day to hear that a certain popular high school was about to pilot a year level the use of digital tablets as a tool for teachers and students. Not only that, they would not be requiring their students to come to campus for two Fridays in a month. Instead, the students would be able access their lessons, assignments and other class matters online at home, or through their favorite Internet cafe, most probably with the guidance of their parents. It saves both time and money. What a breakthrough, even though it's just a tip of the iceberg.

Businesses are now frantically using social media applications to market and widespread their products. They have used it so effectively, that people can now make better choices, by being able to learn more before spending their hard earned buck. Why not for education? Why not a truly connected virtual community of learners and educators that allows the fast sharing of information, peer to peer guidance, or online mentorship? That is why I have this renewed passion in bringing my project back on track - the Virtual Campus. Truly connected schools through various digital devices, where learning and teaching is anywhere and anytime. Below are some of the screenshots of Virtual Campus.

Do you have the same vision for education in our country?


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